Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Re-cycling again.

A few weeks ago I was looking for something in the cupboard under the sink and found some old candle stub's, too far gone to use but loads of wax left in them. What a waste I thought! So, I sent for some candle wicks from ebay, dug out some old votives and had a go at candle making. I melted the wax in a bowl over a pan of hot water, then used an old tea-strainer to filter the old wax and waited.

I hope they burn ok, It was so easy, too easy I feel! I will report back on how they go. I plan to do some more with fresh lavender and decorate the glass with lace etc.

Just a couple more photos from my last post was having trouble with uploading.

Why do days off fly?

Well that's my two days off for this week over again back to work tomorrow. Back to the running around in a sweat, answering endless buzzers and telephones, missing breaks and finishing late. The joys of nursing today! It makes you appreciate your time off and spending time at home. Ive had a good day today got a little bargain in the charity shop.

How much? £5.99 for the whole tea set, its Queen Ann bone china "Pinwheel" design. All perfect looks like they've always been in someones china cabinet.