Wednesday, 8 June 2011

A couple o years ago I got this "memory box" from a friend for my birthday. I really couldn't think of what I wanted to do with it. So the other day when I was looking through my tins of buttons etc I pulled out a few old things. I have made a start, I'm going to try and collect some old sewing items and display them in the box. I am now on the lookout for more junk as some would say!


  1. I think this is a lovely idea, I have a sewing box with a glass lid top, displayed in the top compartment are lots of old things just like your memory box. It will be such good fun collecting the old sewing items. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Denise x

  2. Any friend of the art of crochet is a friend of mine!
    I'm your newest follower!

    Ciao Bella!

    Stop by sometime....

